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To look quite as pretty as you;

So please, Mr. Peacock, don’t feel quite so proud,

As your gay, brilliant plumage we view!



“Brother, may I unpack your trunk?” said little Minnie Bell.

“O yes, my dear; how glad I am to get home safe and well;

I’ve been in California for more than three long years,

But I’m safely home at last, in spite of mother’s fears.”

“Yes, Alfred, it has seemed, to dear mamma and me,

A long, long time, and we are glad your happy face to see;

Morning and evening, do you know? when we knelt down to pray,

Mamma has asked, that God would bless and guard you while away.

“And God has kindly heard her prayer, and kept you safe and well.”

She worked awhile,—at length, she said, “Dear Alfred, please to tell

Where you have put your Bible? I’ve unpacked the trunk with care,

And I have laid upon the bed most all the clothes you wear.

“I’ve looked at every article, and yet I have not seen

A Bible or a Testament; brother, what can it mean?
