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June 30.


“I hear that Soames is going to Henley tomorrow for the night. I thought it would be great fun if we made up a little party and drove down to, Richmond. Will you ask Mr.

Bosinney, and I will get young Flippard.

“Emily (they called their mother Emily—it was so chic) will lend us the carriage. I will call for you and your young man at seven o’clock.

“Your affectionate sister,


“Montague believes the dinner at the Crown and Sceptre to be quite eatable.”

Montague was Dartie’s second and better known name—his first being Moses; for he was nothing if not a man of the world.

Her plan met with more opposition from Providence than so benevolent a scheme deserved. In the first place young Flippard wrote:


“Awfully sorry. Engaged two deep.



It was late to send into the by-ways and hedges to remedy this misfortune. With the promptitude and conduct of a mother, Winifred fell back on her husband. She had, indeed, the decided but tolerant temperament that goes with a good deal of profile, fair hair, and greenish eyes. She was seldom or never at a loss; or if at a loss, was always able to convert it into a gain.
