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The theory generally received is that all freemen were originally suitors in the courts of the shire and the hundred, and that the whole body of those present, the ordinary peasant (“ceorl”) equally with the man of noble blood (“eorl”), took an active part in the proceedings, pronouncing (or, at least, concurring in) the judgments or dooms there declared; but that, as time progressed, the majority of the Anglo-Saxon ceorls sank to the half-servile position of villeins—men tied for life to the soil of the manor, and passing, like property, from father to son. These villeins, although still subjected to the burden of attendance, and to some of the other duties of their former free estate, were deprived of all those rights which had once formed the counterpart of the obligations. Another school of historians, it is true, denies that the mass of the population, even in very early times, ever enjoyed the right to any active share in the dispensation of justice. It is unnecessary here to attempt a solution of these and many other intricate problems surrounding the composition and functions of the courts of shire and hundred; or to discuss the still more vexed question how far the small assembly of the villagers of each township is worthy to be reckoned a formal court of law. It is sufficient to emphasize the importance of the existence from early times of a complete network of courts, each dispensing justice for the people of its own district.
