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“It’s gone!” he declared, with forced calmness. “It’s plain I shall not be able to play here to-night.”

“I can let you have some money on your paper, old man,” said Herrick.

“No; I think I’ll not take it. I’ve dropped enough to-night. There was about five thousand dollars in that roll.”

The Southerner was keeping his nerve in an admirable manner.

“How do you suppose you lost it, Jack?” asked Frank, with anxiety expressed on his face.

“I haven’t the least idea,” confessed Diamond.

“Perhaps it was lost in the cab. Do you know the driver?”

“The cab-driver is all right,” said Herrick. “It wasn’t lost in there, unless——”

“Well, it will do no harm to look for it without delay,” said Frank. “Come, Mr. Madison, will you go with us?”

Madison looked surprised, doubtful, hesitating. He did not seem able to make up his mind at once.

“You have your chance to get square to-night, Billy,” said Herrick. “Mr. Merriwell can help Jack look for his money. We’re here; let’s play the game.”

Merriwell touched Madison on the shoulder.
