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“Why, that can’t be possible. Miss Torrence told me this very morning that she would have a short story by Anne Peterson and a poem by Belle Wiley to give me before the Manuscript Magazine is made up.”

“It certainly is too bad that Eleanor Pettes decided to go to college prep this term instead of coming here,” Virginia sighed. “She would know just what to do.” Then, brightly, “But I must hurry along. It was lucky that I started earlier than usual for Pine Cabin or I would be dolefully late.”

“I’ll keep my eyes and ears open,” Betsy promised as she began to walk backwards toward the school. “But don’t give up the ship, Virg. Stick at your post and we’ll back you. Whizzle, I’ll write a story myself or a poem, even, if you run short of material.” Then, turning, she started to run, while Virginia continued on her way smiling, as she thought of what the Manuscript Magazine would be, if Betsy Clossen tried to write for it. Betsy’s forte most certainly was not composition.

When Virg entered the Pine Cabin whither she had gone alone to discuss the first edition of The Monthly Magazine, which had been Miss Torrence’s pet hobby since she first began to teach at Vine Haven, the girl noted a perplexed expression in the eyes of her friend and teacher as she looked up from her desk that was scattered over with papers.
