Читать книгу Boys and Girls. The Verses of James W. Foley онлайн

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An’ Billy got a suit of clothes, a drum, an’ sled an’ books,

Till he ’ist never said a word, but my! how glad he looks!

’En after w’ile it’s dinner time an’ Billy Peeble set

Right next to Pa, an’ my! how he ’ist et an’ et an’ et!

Till he ’ist puffed an’ had to leave his second piece of pie


BECAUSE he couldn’t eat no more. An’ after dinner, w’y,

Ma dressed him up in his new clo’es, an Billy Peeble said

He’s sorry he’s an orfunt, an’ Ma patted Billy’s head,

W’ich made him cry a little bit, an’ he said afterwurds

Nobody ever pats his head at Overseer Bird’s.

An’ all day long Pa looked at Ma an’ Ma she looked at him,

Because, Pa said ’at Billy looked a little bit like Jim

’At was my baby brother, but he died oncet, years ago,

An’ ’at’s w’y Billy Peeble makes my mother like him so.

She says ’at Santa brought him as a present, ’ist instead

Of little Jim ’at died oncet. So she ’ist put him to bed

On Christmas night an’ tucked him in an’ told me afterwurds

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