Читать книгу Boys and Girls. The Verses of James W. Foley онлайн

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He said he’d seen it all before, and all the reason he

Stayed there and threw ’em was because it was all new to me.

Well, then the band began to play the liveliestest tune,

And Pop, he says he guessed the show would open pretty soon;

So we went in the other tent, and Pop, he says to me:

“I guess we’ll get some reserved seats so you will surely see.”

And then some lovely ladies came and stood there on the ground,

And jumped up on the horses while the horses ran around;

Pop said he’d seen it all before, and all the reason he

Looked at the ladies was because it was all new to me.

Well, finally it’s over, but a man came out to say

That they’re going to have a concert, and Pop said we’d better stay;

He said they’re always just the same and always such a sell,

But lots of folks was staying and he guessed we might as well.

Then by and by we’re home again, and Mamma wants to know

What kind of circus was it, and Pop said, “The same old show,”

And said he’d seen it all before and all the reason he

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