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1 S.
Monenius, Bishop of Cluainferta Brendam. S. David, B. C. 2 SS. Martyrs under the Lombards. 3 S. Cunegundis, Empress. 4 S. Cassimirus, Confes. S. Lucius, Pope and M. 5 S.
Kiaran, Bp. and C. SS. Adrian, &c. MM. 6 S.
Fridolin, Abbot. S. Chrodegang, B. and C. 7 S. Thomas of Aquino, Confessor and Doctor. SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, MM. 8 S.
Cataldus, B. C. S.
Sennan, B. S. John of God, Confessor. 9 S. Frances, Widow. 10 SS. Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. S. Firsullus, Bishop. 11 S.
Ængus, Abbot. 12 S. Gregory the Great, Pope, Conf. and Doctor. 13 S. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, C. 14 S. Maud, Empress. 15 SS. Abraham and Mary. 16 S. Julian, Martyr. 17 Patrick, Bishop and Confessor and Patron of Ireland. 18 S.
Fridian, Bishop and Confessor. 19 S. Joseph, Conf. Spouse of the B. V, M. 20 S.
Cuthbert, Bp. and C. 21 S. Benedict, Ab. Patron of the Western Monks. 22 S. Basil of Ancyra, Priest and Martyr. 23 S. Alphonsus Turibius, Bishop and Confessor. 24 S.
Carlain, Bishop of Armagh. S. Ireneus, Bishop and Confessor. 25 Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 26 S. Ludger, Bp. and C. 27 S.
Rupert, Bp. and C. 28 SS. Priscus, MM. 29 SS. Jonas, &c. MM. 30 S.
Fergus, Bp. of Drumleth-glass. S. John Clymacus, Abbot. 31 S. Benjamin, Martyr.
The Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Friday after Passion Sunday.