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1 S. Justin, Martyr. 2 SS. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. 3 S. Comegen, Bishop of Glendaloch. S. Cecilius, Conf. 4 S. Petrocus, Confessor. SS. Breaca, &c. Virgs. S. Francis Caracciolo, Confessor. 5 S. Boniface, B. and M. 6 † S. Norbert, B. and C. S. Coca, Virgin. 7 S. Colman, Bishop of Dromore, Conf. 8 S. Syra, V. S. Bronius, Bishop, Cuil-ira. S. Medard, Bp. and C. 9 S. Columba, Ab. SS. Primus and Felican, Martyrs. 10 S. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Widow. 11 S. Barnabas, Apostle. S. Mectalus, Bishop, 12 S. John of Sahagun, C. and SS. Basilides, Cyras, &c. MM. 13 S. Anthony of Padua, C. S. Macnisius, Ab. 14 S. Basil the Great, Bp. and Conf. 15 SS. Vitus, Crescentia, and Modestus, MM. 16 S. John Francis Regis, Confessor. 17 SS. Nicander, &c. MM. 18 SS. Marcus and Marcellinus, MM. 19 † S. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin. SS. Gervasius and Protasius, MM. 20 S. Silverius, Pope and M. S. Gobain, Virgin. 21 S. Aloysius Gonzaga, C. 22 S. Paulinus, Bp. and C. 23 S. Etheldreda, V. and M. Vigil. 24 Nativity of S. John Baptist, with an Oct. 25 † S. William, Ab. 26 SS. John and Paul, Martyrs. 27 S. Ladislas, King and C. 28 S. Leo II. Pope and C. Vigil. Fast. 29 SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles, with an Oct. 30 Commemoration of S. Paul, Ap.

July, 31 Days.
