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I will arise from this bed of sleep, to adore my God, and to labour for the salvation of my soul. O! may I arise on the last day to life everlasting!

While clothing yourself, say:

O my God, clothe my soul with the nuptial robe of charity, and grant that I may carry it pure and undefiled before thy judgment-seat.

When clothed, kneel down, and say:

+ In the name of the Father, &c. Amen.

Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for evermore. Amen.

Come, O Holy Ghost, take possession of my heart, and enkindle therein the fire of thy divine love. Amen.

Attend seriously to the presence of God; return him thanks for his benefits; and offer yourself to him without reserve.

O eternal God! most holy and adorable Trinity! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the beginning and end of all things; in whom we live, move, and have our being; I firmly believe that thou art here present; I adore thee with the most profound humility; I praise thee; I give thee thanks from the bottom of my heart, for having created me after thine own image and likeness, and redeemed me with the precious blood of thy Son; for having hitherto preserved me, and brought me safe to the beginning of this day. Behold, O Lord, I offer thee my whole being, and in particular all my thoughts, words, and actions, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day. I consecrate them entirely to the glory of thy name, in union with those of Jesus Christ my Saviour, that, through his infinite merits, they may find acceptance in thy sight. Give them, O Lord, thy blessing. May thy divine love animate them; and may they all tend to the greater honour of thy Sovereign Majesty. Amen.
