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The Practical Reflections (in small letter) at the head of each prayer, may help to excite our attention.
The Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity, usually read on Sundays and Holidays, before Mass, may be found in page 30.
O merciful Father, who didst so love the world as to give up thy only Son to death, even the death of the cross, for our redemption; vouchsafe, through his infinite merits, to accept in our behalf the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the offering of which we are about to participate. We approach thy throne, O Lord, with humble but firm hope, when we remember that we have the price of the world's redemption to lay before thee. That price has been paid by the death of thy ever blessed Son; and among the wondrous means which he has provided for applying the fruits thereof to our souls, we contemplate, with especial gratitude, that enduring memorial of his love, which he instituted at his last supper, whereby he enables us not only to possess within us; in the divine Communion, the very Author of grace, the Victim of propitiation, who died for us on the cross, but also to present him anew to thy acceptance, really present on our altar, as our Advocate and Mediator, through the ministry of his Priests, in the adorable Sacrifice of the Mass.