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At The Canon.

Represent to yourself the altar as a throne of mercy, upon which Christ is to sit; where you are entitled to present yourself, to expose your wants, to ask for blessings, and obtain them. Can he who giveth us his only Son, refuse us any other favour whatsoever?

O Father of Mercy, graciously receive this most holy Sacrifice, which we offer to thee by the hands of thy priest, in union with that which thy beloved Son offered thee during his whole life, at his last supper, and on the cross. Look down on thy Christ, thy dearest and only begotten Son, "in whom thou art always well pleased;" and by the infinite merits of his incarnation, nativity, tears, labours, sufferings, and death, have mercy upon me, and upon all those for whom I ought to pray [here name the particular persons]; my parents, brethren, friends, benefactors, relations, and those who have injured me, or whom I may have injured. I also beseech thee to guard, prosper, and extend the holy Catholic Church; to pour down thy blessings upon our chief pastor the Pope, upon the Bishops and all the Clergy; enlighten and guide them in the way of salvation. Bless and preserve the Queen, and all the Royal Family. Look down upon us all, I beseech thee, O Lord, with eyes of mercy and compassion. Bring us all to the perfect practice of a holy and virtuous life here, and to the possession of thy eternal glory hereafter. May we all know thee; may we all please thee perfectly; may we fear, love, and glorify thee: through the same Jesus Christ, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth one God, world without end. Amen.
