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Section 1754 of the Revised Statutes provides that persons honorably discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness incurred in the line of duty shall be preferred for appointments to the civil offices, provided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such offices.

Section 1754 applies to all branches of the service, in Washington, D. C., and in the country at large. It does not authorize the waiving of physical requirements.

Persons who are entitled to preference under the statutes must qualify for appointment by passing the usual entrance examinations.

Restoration to Eligible Registers


An act of Congress, approved March 1, 1919, provides as follows:

“That the period of time during which soldiers, sailors, and marines, both enlisted and drafted men, who, prior to entering the service of their country, had a civil service status, and whose names appear upon the eligible list of the Civil Service Commission, shall not be counted against them in the determination of their eligibility for appointment under the law, rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission now in effect, and at the time of demobilization their civil service status shall be the same as when they entered the service.”
