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A good hatch.

Dust the hen thoroughly with a good lice powder before placing her on the nest.

Select uniform, fairly large sized eggs for hatching.

Operate the incubator according to the manufacturer’s directions to produce the best results.

Test the eggs for fertility on the seventh and fourteenth days.

Do not open the incubator after the eighteenth day until the chicks are hatched.

Given proper care and attention, the hen is the most valuable incubator for the farmer whose poultry operations are of moderate size.

Do not allow the mother hen to range over the farm with the chicks.

Confine the mother hen to a brood coop until the chicks are weaned.

Toe-mark the chicks as soon as they are hatched. This enables one to tell their ages later.

In cool weather place from 10 to 13 eggs under the hen; in warm weather from 13 to 15 eggs.

Chicks should not receive feed until they are 36 hours old.

When artificial incubation is used, start the brooder a day or two before putting in the chicks, to see that the heating apparatus is working properly. Brooder lamps should be cleaned every day.
