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Information Relative to Securing Containers

The experiment stations in the various States have information as to containers for parcel-post shipments of eggs, in consumer-size lots, and persons desiring information of this kind should not address the United States Department of Agriculture, but should address the director of the experiment station in their own States. The following list gives the post-office address of each station:



 Tuskegee Institute.

 Alaska: Sitka.

 Arizona: Tucson.

 Arkansas: Fayetteville.

 California: Berkeley.

 Colorado: Fort Collins.


 New Haven.


 Delaware: Newark.

 Florida: Gainesville.

 Georgia: Experiment.

 Guam: Guam.

 Hawaii: Honolulu.

 Idaho: Moscow.

 Illinois: Urbana.

 Indiana: Lafayette.

 Iowa: Ames.

 Kansas: Manhattan.

 Kentucky: Lexington.

 Louisiana: Baton Rouge.

 Maine: Orono.

 Maryland: College Park.

 Massachusetts: Amherst.

 Michigan: East Lansing.

 Minnesota: University Farm, St. Paul.

 Mississippi: Agricultural College.
