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He fired twice. Lupin first flung himself to one side and then dived at the baron’s knees, seized him by both legs and brought him to the ground. The baron freed himself with an effort. The two enemies rolled over in each other’s grip; and a stubborn, crafty, brutal, savage struggle followed.

Suddenly, Lupin felt a pain at his chest:

“You villain!” he yelled. “That’s your Lavernoux trick; the tie-pin!”

Stiffening his muscles with a desperate effort, he overpowered the baron and clutched him by the throat victorious at last and omnipotent.

“You ass!” he cried. “If you hadn’t shown your cards, I might have thrown up the game! You have such a look of the honest man about you! But what a biceps, my lord!… I thought for a moment…. But it’s all over, now!… Come, my friend, hand us the pin and look cheerful…. No, that’s what I call pulling a face…. I’m holding you too tight, perhaps? My lord’s at his last gasp?… Come, be good!… That’s it, just a wee bit of string round the wrists; do you allow me?… Why, you and I are agreeing like two brothers! It’s touching!… At heart, you know, I’m rather fond of you…. And now, my bonnie lad, mind yourself! And a thousand apologies!…”
