Читать книгу The Modern Clock. A Study of Time Keeping Mechanism; Its Construction, Regulation and Repair онлайн

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There are still some other forces to be considered as affecting the performance of our pendulum. These are the resistance to its momentum offered by the air and the resistance of the suspension spring.

Barometric Error.—If we adjust a pendulum in a clock with an air-tight case so that the pendulum swings a certain number of degrees of arc, as noted on the degree plate in the case at the foot of the pendulum, and then start to pump out the air from the case while the clock is running, we shall find the pendulum swinging over longer arcs as the air becomes less until we reach as perfect a vacuum as we can produce. If we note this point and slowly admit air to the case again we shall find that the arcs of the pendulum’s swing will be slowly shortened until the pressure in the case equals that of the surrounding air, when they will be the same as when our experiment was started. If we now pump air into our clock case, the vibrations will become still shorter as the pressure of the air increases, proving conclusively that the resistance of the air has an effect on the swinging of the pendulum.
