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Fig. 15.

A correction of the compensation should be effected, however, only in case the pendulum is to show sidereal time, instead of mean solar time, for which latter it is calculated. In this case a weight of 110 to 120 grams should be screwed on to correct the compensation.

In order to calculate the effect of the compensation, it is necessary to know precisely the coefficients of the expansion by heat of the steel rod, the mercury, and the material of which the bob is made.

The last two of these coefficients of expansion are of subordinate importance, the two adjusting screws for shifting the bob up and down being fixed in the middle of the latter. A slight deviation is, therefore, of no consequence. In the calculation for all these pendulums the co-efficient for the bob is, therefore, fixed at 0.000018, and for the mercury at 0.00018136, being the closest approximation hitherto found for chemically pure mercury, such as that used in these pendulums.

The co-efficient of the expansion of the steel rod is, however, of greater importance. It is therefore, ascertained for every pendulum constructed in Mr. Riefler’s factory, by the physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt at Charlottenburg, examinations showing, in the case of a large number of similar steel rods, that the co-efficient of expansion lies between 0.00001034 and 0.00001162.
