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Ihab Hassan, como la propia Frazier recoge en su artículo, opina que los relatos de Carson McCullers, con la excepción de “A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud”, no merecen mayor atención por parte de la crítica: “The themes of Mrs. McCullers’ stories are not likely to surprise the readers of her novels and their manner is far less distinguished—with the exception of “A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud”, which contains the germs of her doctrine of love, the stories seem by comparison nerveless and contrived” (Hassan 227). Y concluye Hassan hablando de las “deficiencies of Carson McCullers in the short story form”; deficiencias éstas que discutiré con posterioridad.

La valoración de Eisinger sigue la misma línea que la de Hassan. Se trata para él de obras de menor mérito, de las que tan sólo destaca “A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud”:

The subjects of the short stories are music (...) the imaginative experiences of the inner life, and the problems of love. The characters are the inevitable children ar the equally omnipresent grotesques. One story, “A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud”, deserves comment because here Mrs. McCullers works out a hierarchy of love. (Eisinger 256)
