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“Brudderin, we ain’t sung dat lars him fuh uh long time. Uncle Eph, you rase it an’ we will sing some ub de vuses, so I kin res’ mehsef uh little.”


When Israel wuz in Egypt’s lan’:

Let meh people go,

Oppressed so hard dey could not stand,

Let meh people go.

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land,

Tell ole Pharoh, Let meh people go.

O, twuz uh dark an’ dismal nite,

Let meh people go;

When Moses led de Israelites,

Let meh people go.

Go down, Moses, etc.

O, cum ’long Moses, yo’ll not git los’,

Let meh people go;

Stritch out yo’ rod an cum across,

Let meh people go.

Go down, Moses, etc.

Yo’ll not git los’ in de wilderness,

Let meh people go;

Wid a lighted candle in yo’ bres’,

Let meh people go.

Go down, Moses, etc.

’Twas jes ’boutin harvis’ time,

Let meh people go;

When Joshua led his hos’ divine,

Let meh people go.

Go down, Moses, etc.

Miss Henrietta’s gift, that hung above the pulpit.

“Brudderin, da wuz one man dat wuz not fogitful, an’ a man we all should intimate. I hab befo’ briefly ’luded to him. I say briefly, kase a pawson mite talk boutin him fum de commencement to de closin’ ub a big camp meetin’ an’ not git fur on de subjec’. He nebber fogot. T’ink ub de animals he had to recommember, fum elephants clean down to coons an’ ’possums. Dey tells me he eben kep’ de chickens fum eatin’ up de watermillion seeds. He wuz uh sailor, gyardner, farmer, blacksmith, carpenter—King Dabid wuz no wha when he wuz ’bout. His name wuz Noahy. Uncle Reubin say de elephants, whales and hippopotamusses wuz so big an’ bad dat he chained dem outside de boat an’ let ’em float to make room. An’ de shirks an’ crocodiles had et up all de dogs, sepin fo’ coon dogs. So Noahy chained dem outside, too. ’Cose Noahy wuz uh gre’t animal tamer, an’ I kin ondastan’ how he like so many animals, but I kyant ondastan’ why he didn’t pisen dem shirks. De Bible tells ’bout fishhooks, fishpools, fish spears an’ fishermen, an’ all ’bout Peter’s gwine uh fishin’, an’ de five loaves an’ two fishes (dey mus’ uh bin whales, kase dey fed so many)—but it don’t say nuffin boutin shirks. How-some-eber, I specks when Peter’s net broke da wuz uh shirk in it, kase when dey cum ’long da ain’ no use you takin’ up yo’ net, kase it’s clean gone. Uncle Reubin say ef’n it wan’ fuh de pitch on de wood ub de ark dey would hab chawed uh hole thoo huh. Dey’s kep’ many a sister fum comin’ in de Babtis’ chuch, when dar’s only salt watah to dip in, like it is down heah on de Easton Sho’.”
