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But there is no magic about the Aldine method, if it can be called a method. Like the marvellous modern achievements of applied science, its success depends upon the simple principle of understanding and utilizing, instead of ignoring and antagonizing, nature. The child’s nature furnishes the key, the sure guide to all the method there is in Aldine reading.

The initial stock of about one hundred “sight words,” which the reading of the Primer has furnished, is increased gradually. At first most of the new words are easily acquired, as were those of the Primer, through the memorizing of simple and interesting rhymes. Such rhymes occur on pages ssss1, ssss1, ssss1, ssss1, ssss1, ssss1, ssss1, 33, 37, ssss1, 55, ssss1. But for the development of the power and the habit of independent mastery of new words by the child reliance is placed on the exercises in phonics, which should be systematic and constant throughout the book. Just what these exercises are and just how they are to be carried out to make them most effective are matters fully explained in the Teacher’s Manual, “Learning to Read.”
