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Drop a cupful of macaroni broken into small pieces into three or four cupfuls of boiling, slightly salted, water; boil from thirty to sixty minutes, or until tender, the length of time required depending upon whether the macaroni is fresh or stale. Have stewing one quart of fresh or canned tomatoes, and when done, rub through a colander; drain the macaroni, and add it to the tomatoes, with hot water to make about three pints in all. Reheat, season with salt and a little butter, and, after removing from the fire, add a few spoonfuls of sweet cream if convenient. Serve as soon as the cream is added.



Wash one-third cup of rice and put to cook in about three cupfuls of water, adding a little salt; cook until tender. Then add one quart of milk, and salt to taste; reheat to boiling. Have ready a tablespoonful of butter mixed smooth with a tablespoonful of flour, then made thin with a little of the hot milk; pour this into the soup and simmer for ten minutes. Celery may be added for flavoring if desired. Also, if desired richer, a beaten yolk of egg, first mixed with a few spoonfuls of the hot soup to prevent coagulating, may be added to the soup a few minutes before serving.
