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In the absence of “notes” and an extensive bibliography, I can only make a general acknowledgment of my obligation to the many writers who have dealt with various aspects of the art. I wish, however, to record the deep debt of gratitude I owe to my friend, Dr. Emil Reich. I am indebted to him for that broad, large-hearted view of general history which is essential to the right understanding of any art. With his name I should like to couple that of my wife, upon whose sympathetic help I have relied from first to last.

I have to thank my father, Mr. Charles Short, and Mr. Edwin Preston, for their kindness in reading my proofs, and Mr. H. L. Weinberg for his help while this book has been passing through the press.

Ernest H. Short.

6, Pitt Street,




To face page The Virgin. From Michael Angelo’s “Pieta.” St. Peter’s, Rome Diana (Archaistic). The National Museum, Naples ssss1 Dedicatory Statue (Archaic). The Acropolis Museum, Athens ssss1 Harmodius. National Museum, Naples ssss1 The Charioteer. Delphi Museum ssss1 The Spartan Girl. The Vatican, Rome ssss1 The Doryphorus. National Museum, Naples ssss1 Myron’s Discobolus. The Ashmolean, Oxford ssss1 Theseus. British Museum. A figure from the Eastern Pediment of the Parthenon ssss1 The Three Fates. British Museum. A group from the Eastern Pediment of the Parthenon ssss1 From The Parthenon Frieze. British Museum. Scenes from the Panathenaic Procession ssss1 Zeus. The Vatican, Rome. Found at Otricoli ssss1 Hera. Terme Museum, Rome. From the Villa Ludovisi ssss1 Hera. The Vatican, Rome ssss1 The Mausoleum Charioteer. British Museum, London ssss1 Niobe. The Glyptothek, Munich ssss1 Menelaus and Patroclus. Loggia de Lonzi, Florence ssss1 Ares Ludovisi. The Vatican, Rome ssss1 The “Dexileus” Relief. The Ceramicus, Athens ssss1 The Hermes (head). By Praxiteles. Olympia ssss1 The “Eros” Torso. The Vatican, Rome. Found at Centocelle ssss1 Aphrodite of Cnidus. The Vatican, Rome ssss1 The Apoxyomenus. The Vatican, Rome 68 Meleager. The Vatican, Rome 68 The Sarcophagus of Alexander. Constantinople 74 Phocion. The Vatican, Rome 76 Pericles. Pericles. 78 The Head of Alexander (after Lysippus). British Museum 78 The Tyche of Antioch. The Vatican, Rome 86 The Dying Gaul. The Capitoline Museum, Rome 88 The Triumph of Athena. From the Altar of Zeus, Pergamus. Berlin 92 The Laocoon Group. The Vatican, Rome 94 The Nile. The Vatican, Rome 96 The Farnese Hercules. National Museum, Naples 100 The Cerigotto Bronze. The Museum, Athens 102 The Apollo Belvedere. The Vatican, Rome 106 Venus of Medici. The Uffizi, Florence 106 Venus of Milo. The Louvre, Paris 112 Boy strangling a Goose. The Louvre, Paris 114 Child with Lantern. Terme Museum, Rome 114 The Boxer (Bronze). Terme Museum, Rome 120 Orestes and Electra (pseudo-archaic). National Museum, Naples 128 Augustus. The Vatican, Rome 128 Nerva (Head). The Vatican, Rome 132 Antinous. The Vatican, Rome 136 Marcus Aurelius. Rome 138 A Gothic Panel: “The Last Judgment.” A bas-relief from the porch of Bourges Cathedral 150 Giovanni Pisano: “The Adoration of the Magi.” A panel from the pulpit of the Pisan Duomo. Now in the Museo Civico, Pisa 150 Niccola Pisano: “The Pulpit at Pisa” 156 Lorenzo Ghiberti: “The Gates of Paradise.” The Baptistery, Florence 164 Donatello: “Saint George.” From the church of Or San Michele, Florence 172 Donatello: “David.” The Bargello, Florence 174 Jacopo della Quercia: The Tomb of Ilaria del Carretto. The Cathedral, Lucca 176 Luca della Robbia: “The Visitation.” Pistoja 178 Andrea Verocchio: “The Doubting Thomas.” A group for the exterior of Or San Michele, Florence 180 Verocchio and Leopardi: The Colleoni Monument. Venice 182 Michael Angelo: “David.” Academy of Fine Arts, Florence 184 Michael Angelo: “The Pieta.” St. Peter’s, Rome 186 Michael Angelo: Monument of Lorenzo. Medici Chapel, Florence 186 Michael Angelo: “Moses.” A figure designed for the Tomb of Julius II. 188 Michael Angelo: Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino. The Medici Chapel, Florence 192 Michael Angelo: “Night.” From the monument to Giuliano, Duke of Nemours. The Medici Chapel, Florence 194 Michael Angelo: “Dawn.” From the monument to Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino. The Medici Chapel, Florence 194 Benvenuto Cellini: “Perseus.” The Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence 204 Giovanni Bologna: “Mercury.” The Bargello, Florence 204 Giovanni Bologna: “The Rape of the Sabine Women.” The Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence 208 Giovanni Bernini: “Apollo and Daphne.” From the Borghese Gallery, Rome 210 Giovanni Bernini: “The Ecstatic Vision of St. Theresa.” The church of S. Maria della Vittoria, Rome 210 Peter Vischer: “King Arthur.” Innsbruck 224 Goujon: “The Diana” from Anet. The Louvre, Paris 230 Puget: “The Immaculate Conception.” Genoa 234 Girardon: “Apollo and Nymphs.” Versailles 236 Pigalle: “Mercury.” The Louvre, Paris 238 Falconet: “L’Amour Menaçant.” The Louvre, Paris 238 Clodion: “Satyr with Flute” 240 Houdon: “Diana.” The Louvre, Paris 242 Houdon: “Voltaire” (bust). The Louvre, Paris 244 Antonio Canova: Pauline Borghese as “Venus Victrix.” Villa Borghese, Rome 248 Antonio Canova: “Cupid and Psyche.” Villa Carlotta, Lake of Como 248 Bertel Thorvaldsen: “Venus.” Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth 252 François Rude: The Marseillaise Relief. Paris 254 John Flaxman: “Satan and the Archangel Michael.” From the model in South Kensington 260 Antoine Barye: “Centaur and Lapith.” The Louvre, Paris 264 Jean Baptiste Carpeaux: “The Dance.” Opera House, Paris 268 Antoine Idrac: “Mercury Inventing the Caduceus.” The Luxembourg, Paris 270 Paul Dubois: “St. John the Baptist.” The Luxembourg, Paris 270 Jules Dalou: “The Triumph of Silenus.” Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris 272 Auguste Rodin: “The Kiss.” The Luxembourg, Paris 276 Auguste Rodin: “The Thinker.” The Pantheon, Paris 278 John Gibson: “Hylas and the Nymphs.” Tate Gallery, London 282 Alfred Stevens: Figure from the Fireplace, Dorchester House, London 286 Lord Leighton: “Athlete and Python.” Tate Gallery 288 Thomas Brock: “Eve.” The Tate Gallery, London 290 Hamo Thornycroft: “The Mower.” Liverpool 290 Meunier (Belgian School): “The Mower” 292 Alfred Gilbert: “Saint George.” From the Clarence Memorial, Windsor 296 Onslow Ford: “Egyptian Singer.” The Tate Gallery, London 298 Harry Bates: “Pandora.” The Tate Gallery, London 300 J. M. Swan: “Orpheus” 300 George J. Frampton: “Mysteriarch” 302