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“No,” replied Marion, and then, not sorry to distract her cousin’s thoughts, she related her little adventure.

“Yes,” said Mrs. Archer, “that must certainly have been Sir Ralph. But don’t feel flattered by his civility, Marion. At this moment I have no doubt he has not the slightest idea if the person he lent it to was an ugly old woman or a pretty young girl. Very probably he would have lent it all the more heartily had you been the former.”

“Very likely,” said Marion, laughing, “outward appearance evidently does not trouble him much.”

And then, as it had really cleared up wonderfully, they set of for a walk.

“Remember, Cissy,” said Marion, “that Dr. Bailey is coming this afternoon.

“Yes,” replied Mrs. Archer, “I had not forgotten it. But Marion, if I give in to this mad scheme of yours, you must instruct me what I am to do. Must I introduce you on all occasions in this new character of yours?”

“There will very seldom be any necessity for introducing me at all. You can speak of me and to me as you always do, which will seem quite natural. I told Lady Severn we were very old friends, and that I had just come abroad with you for the pleasure of the visit.”
