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They were almost at the end of the cave then. They could see the walls sloping together and the ceiling sloping down toward the floor. The light of the lamp was far away and dim then, and they could not see very clearly. But one thing they did make out to their surprise and alarm. The end of that cave was a heavy iron door, shut tight!

There was but one idea flashed over the minds of every one of the seven at that moment. The money! Here was where the men kept it, in that firmly locked safe.

“B’gee!” muttered Dewey. “I say we go back.”

Most of them wanted to, and in a hurry. But there were two of them that didn’t mean to; one was the venturesome and reckless Texas, and the other was Mark.

“I’m sorry I came in,” said the latter calmly. “But since I’m here I’m going to see the thing to the end. I’m going to search this cave and find out what the whole business means. Who’ll help me open that door?”

The Banded Seven weren’t timid by a long shot. They had dared more desperate deeds than any plebes West Point had ever seen. But in this black hole of mystery, suggestive of desperate criminals and no one knew what else, it was no wonder that they hesitated. There was no one but Texas cared to venture near that shadowy door.
