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ssss1 On the map of 1610, facsimiled on ssss1 (from Mr. Gilbert), the Hospital and the Bridewell, on the west and north of the College respectively, are interchanged in names or in numbers. The descriptions in the records of each, op. cit. pp. 390, 420, will prove this mistake in the map.

ssss1 The amount is usually stated at £1,800. Dr. Stubbs reduces it to £700. Even so, it was a very large sum. Dr. Stubbs also proves that there were some books in the College Library before 1600, op. cit. p. 170.

ssss1 Fitz-Simons’ Life and Letters, translated and edited by E. Hogan, S.J., p. 56. “Non sine Collegiatorum ingenti fremitu, qui hactenus nullum alicujus æstimationis ad se pellicere potuerunt,” evidently refers to Roman Catholic boys, if we are to defend the learned Jesuit’s statement as one of fact.

ssss1 Thus a window in the College Chapel, set up as a memorial of Bishop Berkeley, calls him a Fellow of this University. I need not point out how this blunder has been exalted into an official title by the Examining Body called the Royal University of Ireland, which has no Professors for its University, and no College for its Fellows.
