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“Humbly Sheweth

“That your Petitioners have continued in the College under your Majesty’s most gracious protection, acting pursuant to the Statutes and Charters granted by your Majesty’s Royal Father and others your Royal Ancestors, And during your Majesty’s absence upon the 6th day of September last, by orders pretended to be derived from your Majesty, Guards were placed in the said College, That upon ye 16th of ye said month Sir John Fitzgerald came with a great body of armed men, and forceably dispossest your Petitioners, and not only dis-seized them of their tenure and freehold, but also seized on the private goods of many of your Petitioners, to their great damage and the ruin and destruction of that place; that upon the 28th of the said month, under pretence for a search for arms, seizure was made by one Hogan of the Sacred Chalices and other holy vessels belonging to ye Altar of the Chappel, and also of the Mace; that upon the 21st of October several persons pretending orders from the Government broke open the door of the Library, and possest themselves of the Chappel: by all which proceedings your Petitioners conceive themselves totally ejected out of their freehold, and despoiled of their propertyes and goods, contrary to your Majesty’s laws, tho’ your Petitioners have acted nothing against their duty either as subjects or members of ye College. May it therefore please,” &c.
