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“Temporis angustiis optime meritum, quippe qui nos, et res nostras ad ruinam inclinantes adjutrice manu sustinuit, et ab internecione et

“Interitu sæpius vindicavit, ut antehac dignissimum semper censuimus, qui ad Clavem Academiæ sederet, ita nunc Academiæ p’dictæ

“Cancellarium junctis Suffragiis et Calculis eligimus, nominamus, et admittimus, Hancque dictionem nominationem et admissionem

“Subscriptis nominibus et communi Sigillo, et per litt p’ntes confirmamus. Datum e Collegio nostro duodecimo die Martii, Anno Dni. millesimo

“Sexcentesimo quadragesimo quarto.

“Tho: Seele. Ant: Midensis, Jo: Kerdiff. “Gul. Raymond. Coll: pr. po. Tho: Locke. Ja: Bishopp.”

There is appended the common seal—viz., on thick red wax the College Arms as usual, but with towers domed and flagged, each flag blowing outwards, the harp much larger than usual, and shield surrounded by an oval, and round it the usual legend, with APRILL added, and the date (1612) in the space over the shield. See ssss1 for seal, with some of the signatures of the Senior Fellows. Three of them who had been driven from their livings had petitioned the Lord Deputy to be restored to their Senior Fellowships, and accordingly now show their gratitude. Seele was afterwards Provost.
