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In the morning there were the customary prayers in the Chapel and a sermon.

At 2 p.m., after a musical instrumental performance, an oration was made by Peter Browne, F.T.C., containing a panegyric in honour of Queen Elizabeth: “Deus nobis hæc otia fecit.” Dominus Maude, Fellow Commoner, followed with a Carmen Seculare in Latin hexameters—

“Aspice venturo lætentur ut omnia seclo

... sequitur ramis insignis olivæ.”

Then Benjamin Pratt, F.T.C., followed with praise of King James the First: “Munificentissimi Academiæ auctoris;” “pariter pietate vel armis egregii.”

George Carr, F.T.C., commemorated the Chancellors of the University during the preceding century—

“Nec nos iterum meminisse pigebit Elissæ.”

Sir Richard Gethinge, Bart., followed with an English poem in memory of the illustrious founder of the College.

Robert Mossom, F.T.C., delivered a Latin oration in praise of Charles the First and Charles the Second—

“Heu pietas, heu prisca fides ...

... Amavit nos quoque Daphnis.”

Then followed a recitation of some pastoral verses by Dr. Tighe and Dr. Denny, Fellow Commoners, bearing upon the revival of the University by William and Mary—
