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Great Parent, hail! all hail to Thee;

Who has the last distress surviv’d,

To see this joyful day arriv’d;

The Muses’ second Jubilee.

Another century commencing,

No decay in thee can trace;

Time, with his own law dispensing,

Adds new charms to every grace,

That adorns thy youthful face.

After War’s alarms repeated,

And a circling age completed,

Numerous offspring thou dost raise,

Such as to Juverna’s praise

Shall Liffey make as proud a name

As that of Isis, or of Cam.

Awful Matron, take thy seat

To celebrate this festival;

The learn’d Assembly well to treat,

Blest Eliza’s days recall:

The wonders of her reign recount,

In strains that Phœbus may surmount.

Songs for Phœbus to repeat.

She ’twas that did at first inspire,

And tune the mute Hibernian lyre.

Succeeding Princes next recite;

With never-dying verse requite

Those favours they did shower.

’Tis this alone can do them right:

To save them from Oblivion’s night,

Is only in the Muse’s power.

But chiefly recommend to Fame

Maria, and great William’s name,
