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“Well, suh, I ’speck she’s tolerbul.”

Is she? Is she? Ah-h-h!” cried Aunt Minervy Ann.

“She must be pretty well,” said the Major. “I see she’s hit you a clip over the left eye.”

“Dat’s some er ’Nervy Ann’s doin’s, suh,” replied Hamp, somewhat disconsolately.

“Den what you git in de way fer?” snapped Aunt Minervy Ann.

“Marse Tumlin, dat ar ’oman ain’t done nothin’ in de roun’ worl’. She say she want me to buy some hime books fer de church when I went to Atlanty, an’ I went over dar atter de money.”

I himed ’er an’ I churched ’er!” exclaimed Aunt Minervy Ann.

“Here de money right here,” said Hamp, pulling a small roll of shinplasters out of his pocket; “an’ whiles we settin’ dar countin’ de money, ’Nervy Ann come in dar an’ frail dat ’oman out.”

“Ain’t you hear dat nigger holler, Marse Tumlin?” inquired Minervy Ann. She was in high good-humor now. “Look like ter me dey could a-heerd ’er blate in de nex’ county ef dey’d been a-lis’nin’. ’Twuz same ez a picnic, suh, an’ I’m gwine ’cross dar ’fo’ long an’ pay my party call.”
