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“No,” was the reply. “I had a frightful headache, and my stomach was in bad shape. It is seldom that I awake in bad condition. Perhaps I slept too soundly.”

“Did you partake of food or drink after supper last night?” asked Nick.

Charley looked the surprise he did not express.

“Yes,” he said, in a moment, “it was a hot night, and we had ice cream and lemonade in the parlor.”

“Who suggested it?”

“I think I did.”

“Who prepared it?”

“Some one in the kitchen.”

“Who served it?”


“How long did you remain awake after partaking of the cream and lemonade?”

“Not very long. I was tired, and soon became sleepy and went off to bed.”

Nick walked the floor for a moment.

“I know what your questions mean,” said Charley excitedly. “You think I was drugged last night!”

Nick made no reply.

“I had thought of that,” continued Charley, “because of my unusual sleep, but had rejected the notion because every member of the family partook of the refreshments which were served, and because the suspicion seemed to point to some member of the family as the burglar and the murderer.”
