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Certainly not; it ought always to be allowed to drop off, which, when in a fit state, it will readily do. Meddling with the navel-string has frequently cost the babe a great deal of suffering, and in some cases even his life.

18. The navel is sometimes a little sore after the navel-string comes away; what ought then to be done?

A little simple cerate should be spread on lint, and be applied every morning to the part affected; and a white-bread poultice, every night, until it be quite healed.

19. What are the causes of a rupture of the navel? What ought to be done? Can it be cured?

(1.) A rupture of the navel is sometimes occasioned by a meddlesome nurse. She is very anxious to cause the navel-string to separate from the infant’s body, more especially when it is longer in coming away than usual. She, therefore, before it is in a fit state to drop off, forces it away. (2.) The rupture, at another time, is occasioned by the child incessantly crying. A mother, then, should always bear in mind that a rupture of the navel is often caused by much crying, and that it occasions much crying; indeed, it is a frequent cause of incessant crying. A child, therefore, who, without any assignable cause, is constantly crying, should have his navel carefully examined.
