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“I am quite satisfied,” he said again. “You are young and you will have time to do the work. Remember that Detective Crossley has got what few clues we were able to collect. It will be necessary for you to go on employing him. There is still a thousand pounds to my credit in the London City Bank. A thousand pounds will go a long way, and you must give Crossley what money he requires. As to your own expenses, you will of course leave the Grange, but you can live very cheaply in some inexpensive country place. I have trained you to want scarcely anything. You must keep Crossley up to the mark. Crossley must search and keep on searching; he must follow up the faintest clue; the money is there, and a thousand pounds with your aid ought to do the work. Don’t forget that the man is an Englishman and that there is an ugly scar on his lip. I feel convinced that you will carry my work to a successful issue, and that your brother’s blood will be avenged. Don’t turn your young attention to the lighter things of existence; don’t marry until you have fulfilled your sacred mission.”
