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But he deemed it wise to offer no violent opposition to Annie’s determination to be true to the man she loved. He trusted to time to weaken her love, and show her the folly of allying herself to poverty and disgrace. Meanwhile, as he really liked Harley, and fully believed in his innocence, he meant to do all in his power to promote a certain plan which Hilton had confided to him, whereby it was hoped to divert the weight of punishment on to the shoulders that deserved it.

The interview had proved trying to Annie as well as to Harley, and Mr. Cory was very thankful when he arrived at his own house with his daughter, who certainly looked as if she had borne as much as she could.

“Margaret,” he said to his sister, who had been his housekeeper ever since his wife died, eight years before the opening of our story, “I believe the child is dead beat, and I don’t feel too clever myself. Have you anything in the way of a pick-me-up ready?”

“You shall have some hot milk, with a touch of brandy in it, in a few minutes. That will do you both good, and serve to put you off until dinner is ready, which will be another half hour yet. How did the child bear it?”
