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ssss1 A town on the island of Salsette, about twelve miles from Bombay, and formerly a port of considerable importance.

ssss1 According to the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, this martyrdom took place, 1st April 1322. There is a letter from Francis of Pisa (I presume in the MS. above quoted), a comrade and friend of Jordanus, which gives similar details. They are also found in the Bibliotheca Hispanica Vetus of Nicol. Antonio, p. 268. (French Editor’s Comment.) See also below, pp. ssss1.

ssss1 Quoted by the French editor from Odericus Raynaldus, Annal. Eccles., No. 55.

ssss1 The French editor supposes Semiscat to be, perhaps, a misreading for Samirkat = Samarkand. Mr. Badger suggests judiciously Someisât, the ancient Samosata. There was another see under Sultania, viz., Verna, supposed by D’Avezac to be Orna or Ornas, which he identifies with Tana, the seat of a Venetian factory at the mouth of the Don, on the site of ancient Tanais. (Rec. de Voy., iv. 510.)

ssss1 The editor does not give his authority for this. Sultania was destroyed by Tamerlane, and never recovered its former importance. It was still a city of some size in the time of Chardin, but is now apparently quite deserted. It is not mentioned by M. Polo.
