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“Edmonstone, Iris Lodge, Teddington, Ship Hcsper signalled Start Point ten this morning. Bone and Phillips.”

He read it curiously.

“Why, that’s three days old!” he said, laughing. “Do you mean to say you have been staring at that bit of paper ever since a sort of deputy-me, eh?”

“It was the first we heard,” said the mother simply; and a subtle something brought back her tears. “I half think I’ll frame it!” she added, smiling at her own weakness.

“I found out your other signallings,” said Maurice. “I was in Bone’s office half-a-dozen times yesterday.”

Dick continued his survey of the room.

“Well, I think I recognise everything,” he said presently; “but, I say, Fanny, I’ve got a thing or two for you to arrange in your high-art fashion; some odds and ends you haven’t seen the like of before, I expect.”

“No!” said Fanny.

“Oh, but I have, though; and some of ‘em expressly for you.”

“No! really? then what?”

“Aha, you’ll see,” said Dick. “Maurice, we’ll unpack them now if that brute of a Customs functionary has left a whole thing in the box.” And the two left the room.
