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Poor Dick’s spirits once more rose high, though this time an uneasy sediment remained deep in his heart. Without the least intention in the world, Alice was beginning a very pretty game of coquetry with her sweetheart alas! her quondam sweetheart. While they talked, Mr. Miles, at the other side of the room, kept up an entertaining conversation with Mrs. Parish. At the same time he observed Dick Edmonstone very narrowly perhaps more anxiously than he need have regarded an old friend of his friends’; though perhaps with no more than a social lion’s innate suspicion of his kind. At last Dick rose to go.

Colonel Bristo went out with him, and thrust his arm affectionately through the young man’s as they crossed the lawn.

“Dick,” said he, very kindly, “I thought I would wait till I saw you alone to congratulate you most heartily on having made your way so splendidly. Nay, don’t interrupt me; your way in the world is already made, and nobly made. I think you showed your sense and more in stopping short, and coming home to follow up the career you love. That was the intention expressed in your letter, I think?”
