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Is it one that is fair, and one that is glad

And was it builded newly?

Oh, tell me whereaway my lad—


The day is fair and the skies are blue,

Come rest awhile and listen:

By far too great is the world for you,

The spires in dreams that glisten

Are far away from this quiet place

With many a mile between,

So rest, blue eyes, for a little space

Here where the slopes are green—

Oh, tell me whereaway my lad—


Oh, dim and vague is the early haze

That holds your world of seeming;

This day is fairer than other days

Only in boyish dreaming,—

So do not hasten but pause to tell

Why you make such a hurry—

Do you want to go, have you pondered well

About the cost and worry?

Oh, tell me whereaway my lad—


Oh, dear blue eyes and brave young heart

Why must you turn to leave me?

Am I so old that we now must part,

Why will you go to grieve me?

But he turns away with a smile and nod

And will not tell me truly

About the place to which he will plod,

If old or builded newly;

He does not answer “Where, my lad?”
