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“Go, then,” she said, “and I will go with you. Love co-operates, and never commands only.”

“I will go,” he replied: “and not care whether I return. With Sosee at my side, I could roam forever, indifferent whither we come, so we be still together. Had we not gone alone before we would not have returned without Orlee; but we came back to see each other. Love left behind defeats its own purpose sent before. If we separate we will be hunting each other, instead of keeping our thoughts on Orlee.”

“Let us then go,” she said, “and keep ourselves and our purposes united, and resolve not to return till we come with her.”

“I will go; for then will I have everything with me, and nothing to come back for.”

“If you go for my company only,” she said, “and not for the child, you will soon have neither. To be my lover you must want what I want, and not merely want me; and if you do not get it you will soon be without me, for love must achieve success to be rewarded with love.”

“I want more your wish than my own, and will give up everything for it.”
