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Koree started to the rescue of the woman, but, in the tangled underbrush could not find her; but, instead, he ran against a gigantic ape, which had also been startled by the cries, and, in his fright, was running about in confusion. This ape gave Koree a powerful blow with his fist, and then ran out of the swamp to where the child was playing. Seizing the child he next ran with it into the bushes and was out of sight.

Too weak, or too frightened, to follow, Koree now hurried back to give the alarm, when he encountered Sosee on the tree, as we have related. Sosee’s screams and calls to Koree to rescue the child roused some men near by, who now all rushed for the swamp.

As they approached they saw the mother of the child emerging from the bushes carrying the huge snake in triumph about her neck, part of which was hanging down in long folds, pending from her arms. Never was a woman prouder over a necklace of diamonds or pearls. Her bloody face and arms added to the terror inspired by her Amazonian air, as, with a proud step, she advanced to the men and threw down her trophy.
