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As Tarbot thought he began to creep along the balcony. Presently he found himself standing outside the great conservatory. The windows were all wide open. Tarbot stationed himself in deep shadow; he could hear almost every word which was spoken within the glass walls. At first there was a confusion of sound, then two voices, distinct and clear, fell on the man’s ears.

“I must have your answer, Barbara,” said Pelham. His voice was eager and tremulous. “Say yes or no to me at once.”

There was a pause, then came Barbara’s reply.

“I have loved you for long years, Dick; I shall never love anybody else. I would willingly become engaged to you but for mother. But mother is miserable and anxious. She has got into great money difficulties. She hopes against hope that I will relieve the strain by marrying a rich man, but, Dick, I cannot do it. I would do much for mother, but I cannot destroy my whole life even for her. You are the only one I love; I cannot give you up.”

“That’s right, Barbara; that’s plucky!” said the young man. “Then you will become engaged to me, darling?”
