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While Barbara spoke, the eager light in her eyes, the tremulous movement of her beautiful lips, her young figure all alive with the sympathy and longing which filled her soul, brought to Tarbot a moment of mad brief temptation. His own eyes glittered. He came close to the girl.

“You want this favor badly?” he asked.


“If I grant it, will you do something for me?”

“Need you ask?”

“I will grant your wish on a condition.”

Tarbot’s face grew white. He came still closer to Barbara.

“Well?” she asked impatiently.

“If I allow you to sit with little Piers to-night will you—kiss me?”

Barbara staggered and caught a chair to steady herself.

“An hour ago I thought you a good man,” she said at last slowly. “I was mistaken. I cannot sit with Piers on those terms. Good night.”

Tarbot quickly recovered himself.

“Forgive me! Forgive me!” he cried. “I was mad for a moment. It is your fault. Why are you so beautiful, so lovable? Oh, Barbara, you could have made a good man of me, and now I am”—he breathed the words low—“a devil! But forgive me. Come, I will go back with you. You shall have your wish. I grant it without any condition. I will accompany you to Ashley Mansions and take you into the sick-room.”
