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“I shall leave to-night,” said Nurse Ives, pausing and looking full into the girl’s face.

“Will you see Mrs. Pelham?” asked Barbara.

“It will not be necessary; but if she wishes I will go in and say good-by to her.”

“I am sure she would like it; but first a word. Nurse, I saw the coffin brought up-stairs.”

“Yes, my dear, yes,” said Nurse Ives. She did not touch Barbara, but she looked at her with a curious expression. “The coffin has arrived and I put the child in.”

“I should like to see him once again,” said Barbara.

“You cannot. The lid is screwed on the coffin.”

Barbara’s face flushed.

“Was that necessary?” she asked.

“Yes; it was indispensable. I will speak to Dr. Tarbot on the subject when he next calls. It would not have been safe for you to see the little corpse again.”

Barbara was silent for a moment.

“You had better come in and say good-by to Mrs. Pelham,” she said then.

Nurse Ives entered the room. A moment later she stood by the sick-bed. Mrs. Pelham, with her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright, a strained, piteous expression round her trembling mouth, looked up at the nurse.
