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“Barbara, you must know what I mean.”

“When did I give you leave, Dr. Tarbot, to call me by my Christian name?”

“I used to call you Barbara when you were a child. Do you never remember the old days?”

“Those days are over,” answered Barbara. “Now, please, say what you have to say.”

“And then go, is that it?”

“Will you speak?”

“I will. My words can be soon said. I love you—I want you for my wife. I am determined to win you.”

“Determined!” said Barbara. “You are very bold, Dr. Tarbot.”

“I was never a coward. I will plead with you until I succeed. You are the only woman in all the world whom I love. I will have you.”

“You will? Again I say you are bold.”

“For Heaven’s sake let us argue the matter out quietly.”

“There is nothing whatever to argue. You say you love me. I do not return your love, therefore I cannot marry you. Are not those words plain enough?”

“Plain as they are, they do not clinch this business,” said the man, now trembling with rage and suppressed passion. “I will plead my cause and you must listen. What I feel for you is more than ordinary love; it has been the growth of years. Do you think just for a light word I will give you up? I should make you a good husband. As to your mother, I know well what money difficulties she is in, but I can put her straight. I am a young man—not like Lord Selwyn.”
