Читать книгу Story-Telling Ballads. Selected and Arranged for Story-Telling and Reading Aloud and for the Boys' and Girls' Own Reading онлайн

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“If you are not the heiress born,

And I,” said he, “the lawful heir,

We two will wed to-morrow morn,

And you shall still be Lady Clare.”

Alfred, Lord Tennyson



Fair Margret was a young ladye,

An come of high degree;

Fair Margret was a young ladye,

An proud as proud could be.

Fair Margret was a rich ladye,

The king’s cousin was she;

Fair Margaret was a rich ladye,

An vain as vain could be.

She war’d her wealth on the gay cleedin

That comes frae yont the sea,

She spent her time frae morning till night

Adorning her fair bodye.

Ae night she sate in her stately ha,

Kaimin her yellow hair,

When in there cum like a gentle knight,

An a white scarf he did wear.

“O what’s your will wi me, sir knight,

O what’s your will wi me?

You’re the likest to my ae brother

That ever I did see.

“You’re the likest to my ae brother

That ever I hae seen,

But he’s buried in Dunfermline kirk,

A month an mair bygane.”

“I’m the likest to your ae brother

That ever ye did see,

But I canna get rest into my grave,

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