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Catherine and her mother were conversing earnestly together.

“It is not for me, Kate, to judge of the heart of a man; to say that this one is to be trusted, and that one not, without an acquaintance of longer standing than that between myself and young Ernshaw. Without having heard that he was vicious, it has often been told me that he was of unsettled disposition; that he is known to the neighbors as ‘Wild Nat.’ Such a name would never have been given a man of reliable and good character.”

“Whatever you advise, mother, that will I do; for your wish is law, with me.”

“Do not speak of law, Kate; all I do is for your own happiness. If I thought you would be happy with Nat Ernshaw, I would advise you to receive his addresses; as it is, I say wait. Be not too hasty, for time and circumstances will do much to place all things in their true light.”

“I will, mother; I will try him, and prove the strength of his affection. These are perilous times, and times, too, that bring out the good in a man’s character, if there is any good in it; and something may happen which will give you more favorable impressions of Nat Ernshaw, than you appear to entertain now.”
