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ssss1 A word used by Ben Jonson.

“At last, when My Lord took his leave of the Duke, the Duke being a very generous person, presented him with a Spanish Horse, a saddle very richly embroidered, and with a rich Jewel of Diamonds.”

About a year after William Cavendish’s return from Savoy, his father died; but the dates of the events recently recorded in this chapter vary so much according to different authorities, that it is difficult to arrive at anything like accuracy respecting them. Sir Charles Cavendish left his son great wealth and, as a very rich man was a valuable asset even to a King in those early times, Cavendish’s position at Court became more than doubly assured. On the other hand, he is said not to have been a favourite of that almighty potentate, Buckingham, although their correspondence shows that they professed to be on terms of friendship.

Some five years after his father’s death, Cavendish married. His second wife thus describes the marriage with his first:—

“His mother, being then a Widow, was desirous that My Lord should marry; in obedience to whose commands, he chose a Wife both to his own good liking, and his Mothers approving; who was Daughter and Heir to William Basset of Bloressss1 Esq., a very honourable and ancient family in Staffordshire, by whom was added a great part to His Estate, as hereafter shall be mentioned”.
