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“State Papers, Domestic, Charles Ist. Vol. CVIII, No. 72. June 1628.

“William Viscount Mansfield to the Duke of Buckingham.


“May it please your Grace,

“To give you an account of your Commandes to me in treatinge with my Lo: of Newarke.

I protest to God I did use as much diligence and care posibly I could to bringe him on.”

The business, apparently, was a proposed sale of land. Cavendish had just begun to be hopeful of making his bargain, when Lord Newark suddenly protested:—

“That he had made sollem vowe which was nott to be broken that he would never sell that lande or part with itt any waye, and that he had made another vowe before the Docter bought his Lande, that he would never bye ... though I sett before him the goodness of the bargin and what a small value that was to advance himself to that Honor, and how mutch he should serve and please so Hoble a friend as your Grace was to him, not forgettinge of the contrary side to laye sum dangers before him.”

Cavendish might well point out that there would be “sum dangers” in opposing the will of Buckingham;ssss1 but, as it happened, a couple of months later Buckingham was assassinated.
