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Clarendon evidently thought that Newcastle’s loyalty to the King and the Church did not proceed entirely from disinterested motives; for he says: “He loved Monarchy, as it was the foundation and support of his own greatness; and the Church, as it was well constituted for the splendour and security of the Crown; and religion, as it cherished and maintained that order and obedience that was necessary to both; without any other passion for the particular opinions which were grown up in it, and distinguished it into parties, than as he detested whatever was likely to disturb the public peace”. As indeed a man with a large estate and a large income well might!

The Duchess writes: “His shape is neat, and exactly proportioned; his stature of a middle size, and his complexion sanguine”. She was too refined to talk about a red face. “His behaviour is such that it might be a pattern for all gentlemen; for it is courtly, civil, easy and free, without formality or constraint; and yet hath something in it of grandure, that causes an awful respect towards him.” Was there ever a better description of pomposity combined with condescension? “His discourse is as free and unconcerned as his behaviour, pleasant, witty and instructive.... He is neat and cleanly; which makes him to be somewhat long in dressing.... He shifts,” i.e., changes his clothes, “ordinarily once a day, and every time when he uses exercise, or his temper” (temperature?) “is more hot than ordinary.... He makes but one meal a day, at which he drinks two good glasses of small-beer, one about the beginning, the other at the end thereof ... and a little glass of sack in the middle; which glass of sack he also uses in the morning for his breakfast, with a morsel of bread. His supper consists of an egg and a draught of small-beer.... His prime pastime and recreation hath always been the exercise of mannage and weapons.... The rest of his time he spends in music, poetry, and the like.”
